can be used in multiple cores in order to speed up the data fitting processes. If using MultiNest
this is done via OpenMPI, whereas via dynesty
this is done using internal python
multi-threading capabilities. In what follows, we explain how to perform multiple core runs with juliet
Multithreading with MultiNest¶
In order to use the multi-threading capabilities with juliet
, you have to have OpenMPI in your computer. You can check if this is available in your system by opening a terminal and writing mpirun
. If this command prompts you to something similar to:
mpirun could not find anything to do.
It is possible that you forgot to specify how many processes to run
via the "-np" argument.
Then that’s it, you have OpenMPI. If not, installing it is simple. You just have to follow the instructions to compile OpenMPI [here]. Once this is done, you have to install mpi4py
, which is easily done via pip
pip install mpi4py
Once all this is done you are good to go! To run a juliet run on X
number of cores, simply do:
mpirun -np X python
Multithreading with dynesty¶
Applying multi-threading capabilities for dynesty
is much simpler than for MultiNest. This can be
automatically activated once a juliet.load
object is made to fit the data — simply define
the number of threads you want to use and juliet
will assume you need multi-threading capabilities.
So, for example, to use juliet
with 6 number of cores, in a session you would do:
# Load and fit dataset with juliet:
dataset = juliet.load(priors=priors, t_lc = times, y_lc = fluxes, \
yerr_lc = fluxes_error, out_folder = 'hats46')
results =, dynesty_nthreads = 6)